{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 7 and Week 8 History

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 5 and 6 Science

I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year and giving PJ freedom to research the topics on his own and come up with a way to show me he’s learned something. We do all of our memory work to song. If CC doesn’t provide a tune, we […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 5 and 6 History

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 4

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Review} What’s in the Bible?

From the Veggie TalesĀ® creator, Phil Vischer… We’re pretty big Veggie TalesĀ® fans, so I was really curious to see what this DVD series was all about. Phil’s desire is for families to have a better understanding of…well…what’s in the Bible. Instead of putting words in his mouth, I’ll let you hear it straight from […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 3

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]

{Classical Conversations} Memory Work Tri-board

Now that Mia’s reading more and Ty’s officially enrolled with our county, we will put time and effort into committing our CC Memory Work to…well…memory. In an effort to keep everyone occupied and as independent as possible, we will be using a tri-board to display the week’s memory work. The board is great because it […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 1 | Week 2

In addition to the specific resources for this week, we are also listening to Story of the World (SOTW) on CD, watching selected episodes of Drive Thru History, and keeping a cummulative timeline of things we learn in history. I am planning appropriate activities for Mia that are a little less complicated than last year […]