Camp Nana (and Pops and Mom-mom)

My mom has been lamenting how fast the kids are growing up and had the opportunity to take the summer (July and August) off this year.  She’s usually a preschool teacher by school year and a nanny by summer.  She really wanted to spend time with her “grands” (as she calls them) creating memories this […]

Native American Lesson: Corn Cakes

I got most of our activities from The World of North American Indians (Passport to the Past).  I love the simple instructions that also include pictures. I let PJ page through the book and choose our first project.  He loves being in the kitchen so he chose to make corn cakes (found on page 24). […]

Native American Lesson: Books

This is a collection of books we found particularly helpful as we studied Native Americans. We were able to find all of them except the coloring book at the library. If you can’t find these particular ones at your library, feel free to buy them from the widget or look for other age-appropriate books. […]

Native American Lessons: Overview

Classical Conversations will be moving into Cycle 3 this fall which means we’ll be covering U.S. Geography and U.S. History in Social Studies.  Because the memory work starts with Columbus, I decided to cover Native Americans this summer with the kids since they are a large part of our history.  I think it’s funny that […]

End of an Era

I’m not really sure words can explain how we feel about the past 5 years we had the privilege to be part of the school our older kids are leaving.  It was so much more than a school.  It was a community.  It was a partnership.  It was a family.  It was an Eden where […]

Lesson Planning and OneNote

I’m a control freak.  Combine that with a history of curriculum writing jobs and homeschooling and, well, I’m sure you can use your imagination. What I love about the Classical Conversations Curriculum Guide is that is gives me a framework around which to build my week.  For instance, the first week’s history memory sentence for […]

Ocean Life Plays

Have I mentioned recently how much we love the education our children are receiving? Since the heart of classical education is developing children who love and know how to learn, we love that teachers use lots of ways to reinforce the information being taught.  This week, we had the privilege of seeing PJ’s class perform […]

Bzz Review: Factor Tree

As were deciding whether or not to homeschool for next year, Bzz Agent launched a campaign for the Factor Tree–an online, supplemental math website.  Convenient, huh? Here’s what Factor Tree has to say: What makes the Factor Tree so effective? Provides the practice and repetition needed for a child to truly master key math skills […]