{Christmas} Round 1…DING DING DING

Patrick had hip surgery Friday. The girls had a Harmonizers performance Saturday. Ty’s birthday was Sunday. It was the perfect trifecta for family fun (and meltdowns…but more about that in another post). The in-laws were in to help and for the festivities, and my sister crashed her for the weekend. So why not do Christmas […]

It’s Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

I won’t lie. Our current level of craziness + my pragmatism = Grinch-like attitude about the holidays. The energy it takes to get a live, fresh-cut tree into our house and decorated does not seem attainable. But despite the dreary weather, winter colds, and unusually low energy levels, we did manage to get a tree. There was […]

{2013} Day in the Life of Us

“I don’t know how you do it.” “I could never homeschool that many.” These are common comments once folks figure out what I do with my life. My hubby would tell them that we set our bar pretty low these days and most days, even then, we only trip over it. Anyway, here’s a glimpse […]

Foto Flashback Friday

John had his head shaved right before he came home. I think it was traumatizing. He was adamant about not cutting it…ever…at all…when he came home. We honored that desire but kept warning him that if it got too out of hand, it would no longer be trimmable but we would have to shave it […]

Really, Tuesday?!?!

I don’t know what it is about Tuesdays. We’ve had a major trauma-related, behavior meltdown almost every Tuesday for the past couple months. We’re not-so-affectionately calling it Trauma Tuesday. Yesterday almost went off without a hitch. Keyword: almost. At 4:30 PM, after a successful (and I don’t use that word lightly) day of school, we […]

Foto Flashback Friday

There are bocce courts 10 minutes from our house. Yup. We’re excited as Ty looks. We let the littles play from half court. And proof, that you can’t take the dance out of the dancer. Or the precision out of an engineer. Or the attitude out of a teenager. Keep watching Queen Attitude. Nope. She […]

Fall Transitions

For a fleeting moment, I actually let myself believe we could slip into the fall schedule without drama. We had actually gone a couple months without Patrick having to come home from work, and all the kids (but one especially) had made notable forward strides. Note to self: When dealing with kids from trauma, never […]

Foto Flashback Friday

Our most competitive child has been racing his heart out.  Here’s the play-by-play of his first duathlon. Despite warnings to pace himself, he started strong off the line, heading into the park in second place. He was beat after that first 0.6 miles and had fallen back a few places, but he persevered. It’s helpful when your […]