Day 222

Remember that year we didn’t get enough snow for sledding until the 5th day of Spring?

Day 221

I love watching my guy connect with our kids.  He does a great job at relieving me and mixing it up a bit.

Day 220

This may not be photo-worthy in most houses, but I can’t tell you the last time our kitchen floor got a good mopping.

The AM Rush: A recipe and some tips

One of the conveniences of homeschooling is that we don’t often have to rush in the morning to get everyone up, dressed, groomed, fed, together, and out the door. However, when there are six kids in a family, mornings that have commitments need to be carefully orchestrated. Of our six, two have a phenol sensitivity, […]

Day 218

Mia has the brunt of a lot of someone’s deregulation.  All the girls have been journaling more, but Mia has also been spending a lot of time with her Bible.  I’m so proud of how she’s clung to Jesus through this season of our lives.