Me Time

When my first two were little, I was part of a moms group that spent a year going through a curriculum that drove home the point that moms needs to protect who they are—their identity before kids.  There are lots of ways to do that but one that I have been really good about is […]

Buying (and Storing) Meat in Bulk

About twice a year, we head out to buy the majority of our meat for the next 5 or so months.  I’d tell you where but we really don’t go there for the deal as much as the smorgasbord afterwards.  (And they don’t look at your weird when you ask for 60 pounds of chicken).  […]

Turkey Hill Experience Photo Dump

Because I can only think about cold things since the lo temp in these parts has been past years’ average high, this seemed like a great time to catch up on some sharing some photos from February. Can you say all you can taste samples?!?!

Look who’s 7!

Ironically, during one of the busiest weeks of the summer (VBS week), I have a couple major writing deadlines and only mush for a brain.  While the more heady writing assignments may have to wait, I want to a minute to publicly wish our dancing princess a fabulous 7th birthday. Seven years ago, she made a […]

10 Years

So 10 years ago, today, on a cloudless, perfect day, all 18 members of our wedding party were getting ready. A lot’s happened since then… Year 1: We moved twice, added another member, got a dog, and attended 7 weddings. Year 2: We found out we were going to be a family of 4 and […]

ESL teens should be a breeze after Ty

These conversations really happened within 10 minutes of each other. ************************** Ty: Mom, what do berries look like? Me: Well there are lots of types of berries.  Some are small and round.  Others are large and bumpy. Ty:  But, Moooooom! What kind of berries? Me:  What do you mean, ‘what kind of berries?’ That doesn’t make […]

A Lesson in Humility

Nine years ago we gave birth to the perfect child. He came out examining the world and hasn’t stopped since. He didn’t cry much but he didn’t sleep much either. He talked early.  He walked early. He is the best best big brother ever. He loves people–the more the merrier. I’ll admit.  We take great […]