A Lesson in Humility

Nine years ago we gave birth to the perfect child.


He came out examining the world and hasn’t stopped since.


He didn’t cry much but he didn’t sleep much either.


He talked early.  He walked early.


He is the best best big brother ever.

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He loves people–the more the merrier.

I’ll admit.  We take great pride in him.  After all, “everyone needs a PJ.”  He must have great parents.

But he’s human.

He talks when he’s not supposed to.

He’s as slave to his hormones as much as the next person.

He even talks rudely to his siblings…GASP!

After successfully reciting 192 timeline cards and 144 other facts about anatomy, chemistry, English grammar, history, math and Latin to his tutor a couple weeks ago, today, he failed to recall a subset to our CC director.

I wanted him to get Memory Masters sooo bad.  I wanted him to be recognized for all of his hard work.  I wanted to have a kid who did it.  I was devastated.

I was so proud of him.  He was dissappointed but handled it like someone with maturity beyond his years.

I’m so humbled by my son who kept life in perspective when I couldn’t.

I’m humbled by the fact that God’s teaching me in more ways than one that He’s the only One who can get credit for our kids.

And until I can figure that out, He’ll gladly hand out lessons in humility.


PJ, we love you and we’re so proud of you!

Posted in Life, Parenting, Uncategorized.

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