Cafe Tesfa | Twenty-twenty Challenge

For years, Patrick has been talking about his pipe dream to open a coffee shop. I fully agreed it sounded like a blast but never saw it coming to fruition until retirement…at least. Almost 4 years ago, we met a family that’s as crazy as we are. When they heard about our coffee shop dreams, […]

Foto Flashback Friday

At the beginning of last year, we started our cycle with a couple weeks of medieval history. Mia is such a great kid to have around for so many reasons–one of which is her enthusiasm for learning and doing whatever project I throw down the pike with a smile. She designed and decorated this castle […]

Flashback Friday

It’s been a while since I just wrote about life. Things have been crazier than usual. Was that even possible? Well, enjoy some Easter photos while I update. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on with our non-profit. Patrick and I were in Chicago last weekend attending the largest orphan care gathering in […]

The Connection Wheel

As it turns out, Mercy Cards are an effective solution for stopping a cycle of craziness. We found we could be consistent with them for about 2 weeks. The good news? Once we had forgotten about them, they kids had also broken the habit of being so darn critical of each other. I’m sure this […]

Surprised by Silence

Back in October, I was able to get away on a weekend silent retreat. If you know me in real life,  you know how desperate I must have been to get away to volunteer to not talk for 2 days. To be honest, when our church started coordinating these years ago, I could see the […]

Foto Flashback Friday

It’s amazing what you find when you have a couple hours to sit down and catch up on unedited photos.   I came across this from Kayla’s birthday back in January. She had been bugging me for a photo book of her own. It’s hard on our older kids that they don’t have baby books […]

Mercy Cards

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. ~Micah 7:18 As I’m sure most families with children experience, our children often have short memories when it comes to acknowledging the mercy given to them. It’s most […]