Laundry Detox

This post contains affiliate links. Why stop at laundry balls? We also use safe, natural products in our washing machine. I was using a recipe that required grating Fels Naptha soap and used Borax. Grating is a pain and the jury’s out on how “safe and natural” Fels Naptha and Borax are. I did a […]

The Christmas Gift | A story interlude

Mia was what some call a late bloomer, academically. She’s probably the poster child for homeschooling success. I’m positive she could have labelled herself dumb (and NOT a math person) and hated reading had she felt the pressure to keep up with her peers in first grade. Instead, that was our first year homeschooling. We focused […]

Foto Flashback Friday

It all started with a conversation under our basketball hoop–Pops, Auntie Lin, and me. “What should we do for Mom’s birthday?” “She doesn’t want us to do anything, but we should. It IS 60 after all.” “We could surprise her after church. Have a couple of her friends here.” Before we knew it, there was […]

Why I could skip the “ber” months

While I love the mild weather and beautiful warm colors of fall, I would rather skip the “ber” months—September, October, November, December—all together. Let’s start with the lack of sunlight. I’m one of those seasonal affective people who needs the sun to be shining in order for me to feel like being productive. I’ve played […]

Why I Chose My Essential Oil Company

Buying products from a network marketing company usually makes me twitch. Even now that I work for a network marketing company, I still feel my guard go up around my Jamberry, Beach Body, Rodan + Fields, and friends. I know that essential oils seem to be the new trendy thing to do, and there is […]

5 Cleaning Tips for the Homeschool Family

The following is a guest post. Homeschooling can feel all-consuming which makes keeping your home tidy feel like an additional chore. If you have a lot of responsibilities and very little time to do them, take a look at these house routines which can help you and your kids. Here are some tested and proven […]

Foto Flashback Friday

Last year, they gave Ty the only small uniform shirt. It was an ADULT small. We never got the replacement. I think they also lost all of their games…by a lot. At least he had fun. This season was a totally different story. I made sure he got the smallest shirt available, AND his team […]