Relationship and Reconciliation

The end of our pastor’s sermon yesterday really challenged me. You can listen to it here. It’s the one based on Matt 11:25-30. Start at time marker 21:45. It was about reconciliation. He talked about how reconciliation comes at cost. The cost is great (especially to our pride) but we can choose to focus on what […]

With | Women’s Ministry Re-imagined

Last Friday, I was sitting in the 3rd row of a suburban church for their annual Girls’ Weekend Out. The church we’re currently attending in Southwest Baltimore (the epicenter of the recent riots) had been invited to attend at no cost. While this should sound like a fabulous start to a weekend, I was terribly troubled […]

Why CC is on probation for our family

***UPDATED 8/24/17*** I guess I never came back here to post that we started our own classical community, Bridges. It’s been so freeing. I posted 5 Steps to Starting a Classical Community a while back, too. ************************ ***UPDATED 7/11/15*** Despite promises to create a working situation for Director, who was grossly, mistreated, our Regional Manager […]

2 Books Every Parent Should Read

With the end of school in sight, parents may be feeling the need to brush up on parenting survival techniques to get them through the summer. These are two books that I’ve read this year that I’ve been telling everyone I know about. 1. Nurture Shock. This book by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman covers everything from […]

Foto Flashback Friday

DISCLAIMER: These are last year’s (June 2014) dance recital photos because that’s how behind in life I am. With 6 kids and 2 drivers, we obviously have to be selective to which extracurricular activities we commit. While saying, “no” to the kids can be hard (especially in today’s culture), it has forced everyone to really […]

How to help #Baltimore

I keep hearing/seeing phrases like “black lives matter” and “racial reconciliation.” I’m sick of them. They are just creating more divisions. I’ll be the first to admit that racism is alive and well, but the problems in Baltimore (or any where else for that matter) are not just about race. Last I checked, ALL lives […]

Race, Riots, and Relationship

The facts: 1. Freddie Gray was a black young man who was arrested and died in police custody. 2. Freddie’s death sparks protests which then turn violent and create a crazy, downward spiral throughout Baltimore City. 3. We own a coffee shop in the heart of the city. 4. We are a part of a […]

{Classical Conversations} Cycle 3 | Week 24

We’re really simplifying this year. You can see our Game Plan here. Here are activities I found when we did Cycle 3 last time. I’ve added a book list at the bottom which also includes resources relevant to Geography. ___________________________________________________________ Can you believe Week 24 is upon us?  The unseasonably warm weather and upcoming trip to […]