
Ty just said, “Wow, this is really delicious!” If you’ve ever had a language or speech delayed child, you know how delicious those words are to my ears 🙂

Monkey Man

It’s so apropos that Ty’s favorite character is Curious George on so many levels.  This is one of them. Clearly he’s not biologically related to us. He’s the only one in our family with any upper body strength.

Dec. 15th

Fourth birthdays don’t get any better than this!   Besides a snuggly “Baby George” blanket, Ty also scored his “tractor truck,” a Cars hat and mitten set, Legos, and a day with PJ’s class and Grandma and Grandpa to Sight and Sound.  Oh, and don’t forget the sock puppet.  That was from Mia, of course.

The Train That Ty Built

This is the train that Ty built. This is the day that I was amazed that Ty built. This is the train that pulled a car That travelled the track that Ty built. This is the train going around The track that Ty used to throw to the ground. These are pictures that caputured the […]

Ramblings and a snapshot

I apologize for the lack of posts with any depth lately.  I’ve been completely pre-occupied with Grafted Families.  Not only is our conference coming up (and fast), we are also pulling together an Ethiopian Host Program with America World Adoption Agency and God is flinging open other doors.  Although it’s been kind of fun running […]

5 Little Pumpkins

Even though I’ve switched to mostly digital scrapbooking, I was still pretty excited when BzzAgent sent me an invite to try out some Elmer’s Craftbond and X-ACTO products.  I’ve been trying to do some preschool activities with Ty so I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone. What we used: X-ACTO zig zag scissors […]