Ending of a season

Soccer is officially over.  I think Patrick is more dissappointed than his kids.  We had an amazing team.*

*Read: We had great kids, great parents, lots of enthusiasm, fun, and improvement. 
*Not Read: Won a lot of games.

I took pictures at the last regular season game which was last weekend.  Here are some of my favorites…




Yesterday was the tournament.  They went into a shootout and lost on the 9th shot.  I hear it was pretty dramatic and heartbreaking.  I missed it because I was at our Grafted Families conference.  That’s a whole ‘nother post in itself.  But suffice for now to say it was an amazing day.

Speaking of missing…remember Murphy and his genius?  I’ve been to every game of PJ’s except one this season.  He plays half back and forward and handles the ball well and wanted to score SOOOOOOO BAD.  He played well in all the games and it was fun watching him.  During the last game last week (one of the only 2 games at which I had my camera) with less than 5 minutes left to play, Ty announces he needs a bathroom (which is about a 5 minute walk from where we were sitting).  I figure the game’s almost over and head off to the bathroom.  When we return, the game’s over.  No biggie, right?  Right…until I find out that I missed the goal that PJ scored.  Errrrgggghhhh.  Go figure.  Thanks, Murphy.  I could’ve even had a picture.  Double Errrrrggggh.  Oh well.

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