Lost In Translation

Kayla and I made pumpkin muffins.  When we were adding the pumpking, she asked what it was and I told her.  Kayla’s been the pickier eater of the two and the muffins have been her go to food if she doesn’t like what I’m serving.

We are sitting around the dinner table eating homemade habesha (Ethiopian food) thanks to a great friend.  John and Kayla switch plates and John reminds us that eating eggs makes him sick.  Fortunately, Kayla loves the hard-boiled eggs in wot.

Kayla: In Ethiopia, one food I no like.

Me: What is that?

Kayla: Dupa.

Me: What is it?

Kayla: Don’t know in English. (Checks with John.)

We proceed to deduct that it’s a vegetable and large like a watermelon.  I hand the kids the Amharic-English dictionary.  John explains that there’s not alphabetical order in Amharic like English. He has no idea where to look for the word.  Next I get this little book that’s been a lifesaver for us, Point It.  Kayla identifies a picture that looks like a yellow, bowl-shaped squash.  Patrick gets on Google Images and starts showing her more pictures.

Kayla: That! That! (She’s pointing at a pumpkin.)

Patrick: That’s a pumpkin.

Kayla: (Making one of her great faces.) I no like.

Melissa: Kayla, do you know those muffins you’ve been eating all week? Those are pumpkin muffins!

Kayla: (With priceless face after making a great Tim the Toolman Taylor sound). 

             Weini! (That’s Amharic for WHY?!!?)

I giggled all night thinking about it.

Posted in Adoption and Orphan Care, Our Adoption Adventure, Uncategorized and tagged , .


  1. I loved this! We call all the “hidden vegetable” breads spice bread in my house. I don’t let the kids help me make it because my son is very picky and he won’t eat it if he knows whats in it. 😉 Its an awesome way to learn that a least liked food may be more palatable in another form. Wait till she finds out the crazy Americans make a pie out of the pumpkin as well. I am so enjoying reading your stories and feel very blessed that you are sharing this amazing experience with all of us. Thank you.

  2. That story just made me “lol” at work. Now people think I’m nuts! Very funny. Hope everyone is well and getting settled in. Hope to see you soon! <3

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