“PJ, you need to share!” “I don’t need to.  I only need Jesus” “But Mommy said we need to share!” “Mia, the only thing I need is the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Who knew we were French?

As I perused the January issue of Parents Magazine*, I came across an interesting article that explored the differences in American versus French parenting styles.  The author describes her emergence from an over-protective, gear-laden America to a laid back, parent-centered France.  While I’m not sure I would send my preschooler on an overnight, teacher-chaperoned, trip across […]

Alternatives to packaged valentines

I’m not really a fan of pre-packaged cards, invitations….or valentines.  As I have more kids and less time, I am tempted to give up on this conviction.  Key word: tempted. This year, PJ opted for homemade paper hearts again.  We purchased this kit on a whim last year right before Valentine’s Day.  After slaving over 15 […]

So we got a little snow…

23 inches (so far). They say it should stop by midnight. Fabulous. This is Mia realizing she can’t walk without losing her snow boot. I have a feeling we’ll be doing a lot of this.

Foto Friday

We’ve had a pretty…mmm…shall we say interesting week.  On top of starting a business, having car problems, crashing car with problem on a patch of black ice, and having sick kids, there was a tragic death in our church community that is taking its toll emotionally on us.  Let’s just suffice to say that Wednesday […]

Fish for Five (or however many are in your family)

I’ve been a couponing, deal-searching, frugal mama for a while now.  But being incomeless for the time-being has brought a whole new meaning to thrifty.  We’re not down to a Ramen noodle diet yet, but I am trying to plan family meals that are budget-friendly.  Since I’m also a health conscious, veggie-hiding, get-some-green-on-that-plate mama, I’ve […]

Free Guide

I’m super excited to share with you another way that my internet addiction is paying off.  It’s called YouData.  The concept?  Click on ads and earn money.  I won’t lie…it’s not a fortune or anything, but every little bit counts, right?  Don’t worry.  It’s not a scam.  I great friend of mine tried it out […]

The downside to curly hair

Yesterday, I threw my hair back in one long braid to get it out of my face.  Our resident princess was, of course, fascinated by my “beautiful hair bow” and wanted one for herself.  I had been secretly fantasizing about the day when her hair would be long enough to do double french braids since […]