Parenting 101

Wouldn’t it be cool if in between Parallegal Studies and Philosophy in your local college catalogue, you could find Parenting?  Why is it that we feel the need to educate on everything from Academic Literacy to Elder Care to Women’s Studies but we ignore the skill that is shaping the future of America the World?  […]

Foto Friday: Confessions of the Tooth Fairy

This is how PJ’s smile has looked for a couple months now.  He was adamant that he wanted to lose this tooth in school because then he would get a special sticker and a tooth necklace.  During spring break and every weekend, we were adamant that he was going to swallow it in his sleep […]

Our thoughtful princess

Yesterday, Mia attended a really cute Princess Party at our local library.  The girls all came dressed up in their favorite princess outfit for a princess storytime, snack, and craft.  When I signed Mia up, I envisioned her wearing her Barbie Island Princess costume since it is really the only character princess outfit she has.  […]


Sometimes it’s the simple things in life.  Yesterday I was beyond excited when Patrick discovered last year’s dill had seeded and was popping up all over the garden.  I’m hoping to make refrigerator pickles again (which call for a lot of dill) and it will be one less herb plant I have to buy!  Who […]

I wish I were Octomom

Not the Octomom with 8 kids but the Octomom with 8 octopus-length arms so I could sit in one place for more than 3 seconds before someone asked me to get up and do something.  It seems really bad when I sit down at the computer.  All 3 kids could be playing blissfully together (or […]

Hot Cross Buns meet Resurrection Rolls

Most of you have probably heard of Hot Cross Buns and know that it’s a Good Friday tradition.  If not, you can read about it here (that’s what I had to do).  Since I love baking with my kids tolerate baking with my kids because I absolutely stink at imaginary play, I thought it would […]

April Fools anyone?

My kids have been quite the pranksters lately.  Their favorite trick is switching the remote controls for the lights in the bedrooms.  Their bedroom and our bedroom have identical controls.  When they switch them the victim goes to turn the light on in a room and the lights in the room around the corner start to […]

From the mouth of Ty

At prayer time tonight… Ty: Jesus,  dank you I had… What’s dat called ‘gain, Mom? Me: What is what called again? Ty: Pich Me: Pitch? Ty: No, piiiich (pinching fingers together) Me:  Pinch? Ty: No.  Missue. Me:  Miss Sue? Ty:  Yah.  Dank you ‘at Miss Sue today. Me:  Ooooooh.  Speech.  Is that what you were […]