
Some wise woman at MOPS once mentioned that she always wanted her kids to know that they were her top priority.  She wanted to be available.  She decided that once her kids were home from school, she would be 100% available to them.  She didn’t check email, answer her phone, or work.  She just enjoyed […]

Murphy was a genius

I say it often.  “Murphy* was a genius.”  *If you have no idea who I’m talking about,  click here. I was reminded again today.  “Murphy was a genius.” As a general rule, we’re very up front and honest with our kids.  If I throw away something by accident (or on purpose) and they ask about […]

Invisible Milestones

“How’s Ty doing?” –such a complicated question. Mostly, people mean, “How is Ty adjusting?” Adjustment, attachment, bonding–such complicated subjects. After a couple days home, we were super-excited that we had left the constant, incosolable crying in Korea.  After a couple months home, he was sleeping through the night, calling me “mom,” loving the older kids, […]

Out of the mouths of moms

I love reading these posts at other blogs because it makes me feel “normal” or at least like I’m not the only crazy one out there.  Head over to MckMama’s blog to read more.  Happy Laughing! If you lived in my house, you may hear me saying… “If you need to poop, please get back […]

Lego Challenge

Update: There were some mistakes in my diagram. My apologies for my late night brain malfunction. The correct diagram is now shown below. I love Legos and all the educational opportunities they provide.  I love the creativity they inspire.  I love that they don’t need batteries.  I get paid to play with Legos.  Robotic Legos.  […]

Mom Speak

When I yell your name really loud, it really means, “Stop!” or “I am frustrated!” or “You are close to putting Mommy over the edge!” or “Shape up or else!”  It does not mean look at me with a blank stare. When I say, “Move!” it really means, “Get up and get out of my way, now!”  It […]

GPS eradicates age-old question

Random City, STATE—-For decades, family road trips have been been plagued with random and frequent outbursts of, “Are we there yet?”  If you have multiple children it often happens in stereo or even Dolby Digital surround sound.  All sense of time seems to blow out the open windows as impatient parents reply, “We still have […]

Start Early

Being one of the first in my circle of friends to have kids, I get solicited for parenting advice.  Not necessarily because I have flawless kids (have you met Ty?), perfect parenting technique or an early childhood degree but because I’ve been there.  I also have a big mouth that is more than willing to interject […]