Ocean Life Plays

Have I mentioned recently how much we love the education our children are receiving? Since the heart of classical education is developing children who love and know how to learn, we love that teachers use lots of ways to reinforce the information being taught.  This week, we had the privilege of seeing PJ’s class perform […]

Spring is sprouting…hopefully

Gardening has officially begun for the 2011 season. Patrick has been wanting to experiment with growing herbs (or veggies) under grow lights for a couple years now.  The now-empty corner of our dining room seemed to be screaming, “Grow herbs here!  Who cares about the wine rack?” so we obliged. The light is bought (but not […]

Conversations I've had…

over the last couple days. ****************************************************** Ty: My butt is getting tired. (Said while riding in the car.) ****************************************************** Me: So how can you tell the difference between a boy and a girl. Our almost 8-year-old: By the kinds of shoes they wear. ******************************************************  Ty: Mom, I’m going poopy. Me: Ok, call me when you’re […]

Ending of a season

Soccer is officially over.  I think Patrick is more dissappointed than his kids.  We had an amazing team.* *Read: We had great kids, great parents, lots of enthusiasm, fun, and improvement.  *Not Read: Won a lot of games. I took pictures at the last regular season game which was last weekend.  Here are some of […]


If I had to pick one word to describe the current season, it would be BALANCING. We have one kid officially back to school as of this morning. And so the fall chaos begins. Balancing school with fun. Balancing soccer with dance. Balancing ministry with rest. Balancing work with chores. Balancing 5 schedules. To aid […]


Did you know Kids Bowl Free all summer?  I know, kind of late to clue you in now.  I had conveniently forgotten about it because we tried a couple times last year and they were times I would rather forget.  Me and three kids (one a toddler who had to be strapped to my back) […]