To Ethiopia or Bust!

And it was almost a bust.

First, we way underestimated how much time it takes to long term park and maneuver 11 pieces of checked luggage plus 5 carryons around the airport.


It’s never good when you show up at the check-in counter and they check to make sure your flight is still open. After a harrowing 20 minutes at the flight counter while we wondered if we were going to make it, they told us there had been a mix up with our connecting flight because PJ and Patrick have the same name. Ugggh.

We did in fact make it to our gate in the nick of time to hear that our flight was delayed due to a maintenance issue and, then, delayed.


Back out to the main terminal to find out how to get to Ethopia by Monday night. Fortunately, I had a memory of a Turkish airlines flight that would get us there. While our very nice customer service representative tried to get 6 seats on that flight, we learned our flight had been reinstated.

Back through security.

Our originaly flight took off over 3 hours delayed which almost didn’t give us enough time to connect in Frankfurt. So much for exploring there. We saw it in a whirlwind of moving sidewalks, restrooms, and trams. We were the last ones they let on the flight.


Besides two vomitting kids with high fevers, our flights were uneventful.


We were a while at the airport getting visas, gathering luggage, and tracking down a box of donations that apparently got stuck in Frankfurt.

We thought Mia might be spared but she woke with the same high fever this morning.

Stay tuned…we meet the kids first thing!

Posted in Adoption and Orphan Care, Our Adoption Adventure, Uncategorized and tagged .


  1. Praying for you guys! Stomach bugs are no fun… hope everyone is hanging in there.

  2. Praying friend! Next time, let us drive you down in the perp van 🙂 Hoping your adventure only involves meeting your kids and not more stomach bug stuff!

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